MILLMASTER controls closed grinding circuits—fully automated. If required, without operator. One system is able to operate up to four mills at the same time, thus increasing your facility’s availability by preventing overfilling and similar failures. The consistent and optimal fill level ensures smooth and stable operation, leading to significantly less wear and a more homogeneous product. Additionally, the output increases and the power consumption drops. MILLMASTER can be integrated into every automation system—it is simply plugged in via a standard OPC interface. With your previous control system on standby you can activate it at any time. The new “auto adaptive” mechanism automatically and independently determines and adjusts the ideal filling level to always ensure optimal mill operation. The modular concept allows you to choose the functions you need. MILLMASTER offers modules for the control groups shown on the right. If desired—thanks to our flexible system—additional modules can be developed and easily integrated at any time.
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This product features:
- Unattended operation
- Auto adjustment
- Ready-to-use modules
- Fully automatic
- Up to 4 mills (per System)
- Fast commissioning
- Return of investment in less than 1 year
- Low investment costs
Since its foundation in 1996, KIMA Process Control has established itself as a trusted partner to a wide variety of industries. In our work we focus on development, production and marketing for industrial measurement and regulation technologies. KIMA Process Control unites science with industrial demand and is your expert for all purposes of advanced measurement and control in the process industries. Our products for grinding facility optimisation, high-precision fill level and temperature measurement, and vibration velocity monitoring, smoothly integrate into existing processes. While focusing on maximum effectiveness, they deliver important information, control sensitive facilities, and minimise the wear and damage of systems and materials.
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Didirikan pada tahun 2001 untuk menyediakan aplikasi produk rekayasa desain, pasokan, instalasi dan layanan purna jual berbagai Produk dan sistem untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pelanggan.
Produk kami terutama terfokus pada industri-industri berikut: Pabrik Semen, Pembangkit Listrik, Logam & Pertambangan, Pupuk, Pabrik Kimia & Petrokimia, Pulp & Kertas, Industri Minyak & Gas dan Industri Umum di Indonesia.
Mulai dari tahap pasokan hingga instalasi dan pengoperasian, Perusahaan Maseir Control menawarkan alur kerja yang terstruktur untuk memastikan pengalaman yang mulus bagi pelanggan kami. Setelah pemasangan dan penyesuaian, tim kami juga siap membantu Anda dengan troubleshooting, memberikan dukungan penuh untuk memastikan sistem beroperasi dengan optimal
Berbagai produk unggulan kami mulai dari Produk CEMS, Produk Actuator, Produk Flame Scanner, Produk Dust Collector dan Produk Power Plant siap dipesan dan dapat membantu anda untuk mempercepat proses bisnis di Industri anda.
Kami merupakan Agen Tunggal di Indonesia khusus untuk Brand Schiebel Actuator, Goyen dan Mecair.